
PDF(可携式文件格式)是一种在世界范围内广泛使用的数字格式,我们提供PDF无障碍服务, we would find the accessibility gaps on pdf files and remediate them.

Our PDF可访问性修复 Process







We ensure accessibility for PDF elements including structure remediation, text content, 交互元素优化, 色彩和对比度调整, 辅助技术兼容性, etc.








我们提供修复后的PDF文档以及详细说明修复问题和流程的合规报告, 其他基于个人计划的报告.






Transform PDFs into inclusive experiences through our PDF 修复服务

我们提供PDF修复服务,以确保您的PDF符合ADA等无障碍标准, WCAG 2.2, Section 508, PDF/A and PDF/UA guidelines and standards. It allows every individual to access PDFs, regardless of their abilities. Here are the PDF elements we make accessible and are not limited to:


We add semantic structure to PDF by properly tagging elements such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and tables. 这确保了辅助技术可以准确地解释内容,并为残疾用户提供无缝的阅读体验.


我们通过向图像添加描述性替代文本(alt文本)来增强文本的可访问性, graphics, 多媒体元素. 这使得屏幕阅读器用户能够理解这些视觉元素的内容.


We set color combinations to ensure sufficient 颜色对比 for readability, making sure that information is not conveyed solely through color. This improves the overall accessibility of documents.


我们优化超链接和导航辅助,以确保他们是描述性和有意义的辅助技术的用户. 此外,我们还添加了书签和导航功能,以方便文档遍历.

Forms and Interactive Element Accessibility

We make forms, buttons, 以及通过添加适当的标签和说明来访问的其他交互元素. 这确保了残疾用户可以有效地与这些元素进行交互.


We enhance document metadata such as title, author, and language settings to improve accessibility and searchability. This helps users locate and navigate PDF documents more efficiently.

An Organization Require PDF Accessibility 


寻求网站可访问性修复的组织通常需要PDF可访问性修复服务, 因为PDF文档通常用于网站上共享重要信息,如报告, manuals, forms, brochures, datasheets etc.


当组织因不遵守可访问性标准而被起诉时,PDF可访问性补救服务就变得至关重要, particularly when it comes to PDF documents.

Customer Complaints or Negative Feedback from especially abled Individuals

当组织收到客户关于访问PDF文档困难的投诉或负面反馈时. 通过手动ADA补救服务解决这些问题对于确保所有用户都能有效地访问信息至关重要.


The addition or removal of content can impact the accessibility of PDF documents. Therefore, 维护可访问性遵从性, consistency, 遵守法律法规, manual PDF accessibility remediation becomes essential.

New/Updates in accessibility document compliance standards

标准引入或更新了现有的易访问性文档遵循标准, 组织需要PDF可访问性修复服务来确保他们的PDF文档符合最新的标准.

2008年7月,PDF 1.7 was adopted as an ISO standard (ISO 32000-1) [ISO32000]. PDF/UA(普遍可及性), 于2012年7月获得ISO标准地位,并于2014年更新(ISO 14289-1:2014).

Why should organizations prioritize PDF accessibility?

  • 遵守法律法规: 就国家而言,有特定的法律法规规定数字内容的可访问性标准, 包括PDF文件. 通过使pdf易于访问, 组织满足并确保遵守无障碍法律,如WCAG, or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States.
  • 防止诉讼: 通过确保数字内容, including PDFs, 符合无障碍标准, 组织减少了与歧视残疾人有关的诉讼风险. 不遵守特定的数字可访问性标准可能导致罚款和诉讼等法律后果.
  • 接触更广泛的受众: 大约有1个.全世界有30亿人口.在美国有500万残疾人,他们依赖各种数字辅助技术,比如屏幕阅读器. 通过提供可访问的PDF文档,组织可以覆盖这些人并增加他们的覆盖面.
  • 提供经得起未来考验的内容: PDF remediation is essential to ensure that content remains accessible, 与新设备兼容, 适应辅助技术, SEO-friendly, 延长寿命 & 内容的可用性.
  • 品牌声誉: Organizations that demonstrate accessibility and prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) enhance their brand reputation. 它传达了一个积极的信息,即组织的价值观和对用户包容性的奉献, customers, employees, partners, 和利益相关者. 相比之下,忽视可访问性可能会导致负面看法和声誉受损.
  • 社会责任: 确保数字可访问性反映了组织对道德和社会责任的承诺. 它承认残疾人有获取信息的权利. By embracing accessibility as a social responsibility, 组织坚持道德标准, 与用户建立信任, 并为积极的社会变革做出贡献, ultimately creating a more inclusive and accessible digital environment for all.
  • Cost Savings: 虽然修复pdf的可访问性可能需要最初投入时间和资源, 它最终可以节省成本. 无障碍pdf减少了残障人士对额外设施或替代格式的需求, 如盲文或大字体, 哪一种的生产成本更高.

Let's together make PDF accessible to all!


我们致力于帮助我们的客户使每个人都能访问PDF文档,包括残疾人. By implementing automated and manual accessibility practices, we strive to remove accessibility barriers and ensure equal access for everyone.

For PDF accessibility compliance following industries we serve:

  1. 教育机构
  2. 政府机构
  3. Law Firm
  4. 医疗保健和保险
  5. 非营利组织
  6. 银行与金融



PDF修正对于确保可访问性并使所有用户都可以访问PDF文档非常重要, 包括残疾人士. 它帮助企业防止诉讼, 提升品牌声誉, 覆盖更广泛的受众, and improve user experience by delivering easy and equal access.

Yes, request bulk PDF修复报价 or for more information reach out (电子邮件保护)

对于PDF修复,我们遵循WCAG (2).0, 2.1, & 2.2), ADA, section 508, PDF/A, and PDF/UA guidelines and standards.

Yes, we offer automated PDF accessibility remediation services for English and 140+ languages.

Yes, by implementing best accessibility practices, we create accessible PDF documents and also remediate existing PDFs.

To get started with PDF remediation services, simply reach out to us (电子邮件保护) or request PDF修复报价

Yes, our PDF accessibility remediation addresses all accessibility issues, and for that, we provide a combined automated and manual approach.

Yes, our remediated PDFs meet accessibility requirements for blind users, ensuring compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Yes, we provide customized PDF remediation solutions for specific needs.

With our PDF accessibility remediation services, 我们的易访问性专家解决了所有次要到主要的易访问性元素,如图像更改文本, headings, tables, diagrams, 内容文本可读性, 颜色对比, links, 交互元素, and compatibility with assistive technologies.

Yes, 在PDF修复后,我们提供持续的支持和监控服务,以保持最新的可访问性指南和维护PDF的可访问性.

The time required for remediate a PDF depends on factors as total number pages, 文件的复杂性, along with the number of accessibility barriers that need to be addressed.

用于修复pdf, 费用一般是每页5美元, and it varies depending on the PDF complexity and accessibility barriers. 欲了解更多信息,请访问a PDF修复报价!

开始吧 PDF可访问性修复

使PDF文档具有包容性! Elevate accessibility by opting for our PDF accessibility remediation service. Let us transform your PDFs into fully accessible resources, ensuring everyone can access and engage with your content effortlessly. Contact us today to get started on enhancing your document accessibility!
